« Modèle:En/User Guide » : différence entre les versions

De GrottoCenter
Contenu ajouté Contenu supprimé
(Rename "Rapid search" => "Quick search")
(9 versions intermédiaires par un autre utilisateur non affichées)
Ligne 1 :
== What is Grottocenter? ==
GrottoCenter is a community database dedicated to speleology and fed by speleologists on the principle of Wiki, that is to say that the content of the site can be modified by all registered visitorsusers.
It is therefore a source of speleological data, easily accessible, which is waiting for only one thing: that you complete it!
Ligne 7 :
This document explains how to use Grottocenter. It is also a wiki document, so you can contribute to its update and its translation.
== LaManaging gestionmy de mon compteaccount ==
All operations on his account are accessible from this button which appears at the top right
Toutes les opérations sur son compte sont accessibles depuis ce bouton qui s'affiche en haut à droite
Compte utilisateur.png|BoutonButton indiquantindicating quethat vousyou êtesare déjàalready connectélogged in
Connexion.png|BoutonButton indiquantindicating quethat vousyou n'êtesare pasnot connectéconnected
=== CréerCreate unan compteaccount ===
Although using Grottocenter does not require registration, creating an account will allow you to have access to all the functionalities and in particular to be able to complete the database with your own data, to add a topography, to correct a cave plug etc.
Bien que la consultation de Grottocenter ne nécessite pas d'inscription, la création d'un compte vous permettra d'avoir accès à l'ensemble des fonctionnalités et en particulier de pouvoir compléter la base avec vos propres données, de rajouter une topographie, de corriger une fiche cavité etc.
Creating an account is very simple: all you need is a valid email address, a username and a password of your choice.
La création d'un compte est très simple : il vous suffit d'une adresse mail valide, d'un pseudo et d'un mot de passe de votre choix.
* To do this, click on the "LOGIN" icon then on "NO ACCOUNT YET?"
* Pour cela cliquez sur l'icône "S'IDENTIFIER" puis sur "PAS ENCORE DE COMPTE ?"
* In the window that opens enter a user name of your choice, your email address and a password of your choice (red part of the form). You can also add your first and last name if you wish (optional black part of the form).
* Dans la fenêtre qui s'ouvre saisissez un pseudo de votre choix, votre adresse mail et un mot de passe de votre choix (partie rouge du formulaire). Vous pouvez aussi si vous le désirez ajouter votre nom et votre prénom (optionnel partie noire du formulaire).
* TerminezFinish enby cliquantclicking suron "INSCRIPTIONREGISTER".
=== RécupérerRecover una mot de passepassword ===
VousYou êtesare déjàalready inscritregistered maisbut vousyou avezhave tellementso demany motsdifferent de passe différentspasswords (cthat'est très biens great!) ouor vousyou nhaven'êtest pas venu survisited Grottocenter depuisfor siso longtempslong (ce nthat'ests pasnot biengood du toutat all!) quethat vousyou avezforgot oubliéyour votrepassword mot de passeoutmoded ?
* Click on "IDENTIFY" then on "FORGOT PASSWORD?"
* Cliquez sur "S'IDENTIFIER" puis sur "MOT DE PASSE OUBLIÉ ?"
* DansIn lathe fenêtrewindow quithat s'ouvreopens, saisissezenter votreyour adresseemail mailaddress (cellethe associéeone àassociated votrewith compteyour Grottocenter account) puisthen cliquezclick suron "RÉINITIALISER VOTRE MOTRESET DEYOUR PASSEPASSWORD"
* You will receive an email with a link allowing you to choose a new password (one more to learn by heart!)
* Vous recevrez un mail avec un lien vous permettant de choisir un nouveau mot de passe (un de plus à apprendre par cœur !)
=== EditerEdit monmy profilprofile ===
Once connected to Grottocenter with your e-mail address and your password, you will be able to edit your profile to complete or rectify it.
* Click on the icon
Une fois connecté à Grottocenter avec votre adresse mail et votre mot de passe vous aurez la possibilité d'éditer votre profil pour le compléter ou le rectifier.
* Cliquez sur l'icône
Compte utilisateur.png
* DansIn lethe menu quithat s'ouvreopens cliquezclick suron "MonMy compteaccount".
== LaNavigating navigation sousunder Grottocenter ==
=== RechercheQuick rapidesearch ===
VousAre cherchezyou unelooking cavitéfor a cave, una caving club de spéléo, una document, desinformation infoson sura unkarstic massif karstique ?
At the top left of your page (near a magnifying glass icon) an entry box entitled "Quick search" awaits you.
En haut à gauche de votre page (près d'une icône loupe) une zone de saisie intitulée "Recherche rapide" vous tend les bras.
* Click on it then enter one or more significant keywords.
* Cliquez dessus puis saisissez un ou plusieurs mot-clefs significatifs.
* A drop-down list is then displayed with all the answers obtained, choose the one that suits you by clicking on it.
* Une liste déroulante s'affiche alors avec toutes les réponses obtenues, choisissez celle qui vous convient en cliquant dessus.
* If your keyword is too short you will see the message "No result (enter at least three characters)". In order to circumvent the difficulty, add one or more blank spaces to it and you will then obtain a result. For example if you are looking for the "Bone Cave", type "bone + space"
* Si votre mot-clef est trop court vous verrez apparaître le message "Pas de résultat (entrez au moins trois caractères)". Afin de contourner la difficulté ajoutez-y un ou des espaces vides à la suite et vous obtiendrez alors un résultat. Par exemple si vous recherchez la "Grotte de l'os", tapez "os + espace"
* For compound names you will often need to be a little more specific. For example, if you are looking for the "Donkey wood cave" you will have to enter "donkey wood".
* Pour des noms composés il vous faudra souvent être un peu plus précis. Par exemple si vous recherchez la "Grotte du Bois de l'âne" il vous faudra saisir "bois de l'âne".
QueWhat faireif siyour votresearch rechercheis estmore pluscomplex complexeor oumore plusprecise préciseor ouif sithe laquick recherchesearch rapidedoes nenot vousgive donne pasyou satisfaction ?
In this case, switch to "Advanced search" mode.
Dans ce cas passez au mode "Recherche avancée".
=== RechercherAdvanced avancéesearch ===
The advanced search menu gives access to a window with one tab per entity. You must select the entity on which you want to search
Le menu recherche avancée donne accès à une fenêtre avec un onglet par entité. Il faut selectionner l'entité sur laquelle on souhaite faire sa recherche
[[Fichier:Entites pour recherche avancée.png|vignette|upright=3.2|centre|VousYou pouvezcan fairesearch unefor recherche sur les entréesentries, les organisationsorganizations, les massifs ou lesor documents]]
For each entity, specific fields allow you to refine your search.
Pour chaque entités des champs spécifiques permettent de préciser votre recherche.
LeThe résultatresult apparaitappears dansin una tableautable, ilit estis possible deto ledownload téléchargerit au formatin csv format, avecwith unea limitelimit deof 10000 ligneslines parper fichierfile
=== ModeMap cartemode ===
EnBy cliquantclicking suron lethe map menu carteyou vouswill allezbe pouvoirable afficherto surdisplay lacertain carteentities certainesregistered entitésin enregistréesGrottocenter danson Grottocenterthe map. IlIt estis possible deto masquehide lethe menu deon the gaucheleft pourto visualiserview lathe cartemap, presquealmost, enin pleinfull écranscreen.
EnBy autorisantauthorizing Grottocenter ato accéderaccess àyour votre localisationlocation, una point vouslocating you localisantwill apparaitraappear suron lathe cartemap etand lathe cartemap sewill centreracenter suron cethis point.
ActuellementCurrently ilit estis possible deto visualiserview les entréesentries, lesnetworks réseauxand et les organisationsorganizations. Pour les entrées et lesFor réseauxentries ilsand apparaissentnetworks sousthey formeappear deas losangesdiamonds correspondantcorresponding àto una groupegroup (una cluster),jusqu'à ceuntil queyou voushave ayezzoomed suffisammentin zoomésufficiently. LaThe localisationprecise préciselocation estis alorsthen visible.
Three background maps are available.
Trois fonds de carte sont disponibles.
= LesEntities entitésmanaged gérées parby Grottocenter =
== LesThe cavitéscaves ==
== LesThe réseauxnetworks ==
== LesThe documents ==
LaDocument gestionmanagement desis documentsbased s'appuieon sur lethe [https://wiki.grottocenter.org/wiki/GrottoCenter:Fr/bbs BBS] (BulletinSpeleological BibliographiqueBibliographic SpéléologiqueBulletin), unean coopérationinternational internationalecooperation portéesupported parby lathe commissionUIS BibliographiqueBibliographic de l'UISCommission.
UnA modespecific d'emploiuser spécifiquemanual, pourto contrituercontribute auto the BBS suron Grottocenter est is [https://wiki.grottocenter.org/wiki/GrottoCenter:Fr/Contribuer_au_BBS disponibleavailable]
DifférentesDifferent informationsinformation sontis associéesassociated àwith chaqueeach document. CommençonsLet's parstart lesby découvrirdiscovering them:
* LeThe type : c'estthis uneis manièrea deway regrouperof desgrouping together documents quithat onthave descommon caractéristiques communescharacteristics. QuandWhen vousyou voulezwant enregistrerto unsave nouveaua new document ilyou fautmust commencerstart parby choisirchoosing lethe type, cewhich quiwill permettrathen ensuitegive deyou vousaccess donnerto accèsthe auxinformation informationsthat queyou vouswill allezbe pouvoirable saisirto pourenter cefor typethis particulierparticular type deof document. DansIn Grottocenter nouswe avonshave retenuretained lesthe types définisdefined dansin [https://ontology.uis-speleo.org/ontology/#DocumentType Karstlink]
* LeThe nomname duof the document
* LaThe languelanguage duof the document. DansIn Grottocenter vousyou pouvezcan choisirchoose parmifrom unjust peu plus deover 250 langueslanguages, quiwhich sontare desofficial langueslanguages officielles​​in dansat auleast moinsone un payscountry. PourTo simplifiersimplify la saisieinput, Grottocenter vouswill proposerasuggest parthe défautlanguage layou langueuse quefor vousGrottocenter utilisezby pour Grottocenterdefault.
* The summary: it plays an essential role in enabling this document to be found using the search tool. Please write it in the form of sentences containing the key words of the document (name of place, person, cave).
* Le résumé : il joue un rôle essentiel pour permettre de retrouver ce document avec l'outil de recherche. Merci de le rédiger sous forme de phrases contenant les mots clés du document (nom de lieu, de personne, de cavité).
* Le documentThe parent document: pourfor lesNumber documenttype dedocuments, typeit Numérois ildesirable estto souhaitableindicate d'indiquer lathe Collection dontto ilwhich faitit partiebelongs (ParFor exemple leexample, n° 65 se Spelunca faitis partiepart deof la collectionthe Spelunca collection). DeIn lathe mêmesame manièreway pourfor unan article ilit estis important d'indiquerto leindicate Numérothe dontNumber ilfrom estwhich extraitit is extracted (ParFor exempleexample l'éditorialthe étaiteditorial danswas lein numéronumber 65 deof Spelunca). CesThese lienslinks sontare essentielsessential carbecause lathe collection page degives laaccess collectionto donneall accèsthe aissues tousand lesthe numéropage et la pageof deeach chaqueissue numéroallows permetyou deto voirsee lesthe articles dontfrom ilswhich sontthey issuscome.
* Le fichierThe file: ilit estis possible d'insérerto uninsert a document dansin Grottocenter sanswithout téléchargerdownloading lethe fichiercorresponding correspondantfile. IlIt serawill alorsthen décritbe pardescribed sesby métadonnéesits metadata. IlIt estis possible deto téléchargerdownload lethe fichierfile correspondantcorresponding àto una document dans la mesure ouinsofar as:
# it has one of the allowed extensions
# il a pour extension un de celles qui sont autorisées
# vousyou êtesare l'auteurthe author, l'auteurthe estauthor décédédied depuismore plus dethan 70 ansyears ago, una document déjàalready enregistréregistered dansin Grottocenter (de typepublication autorisationauthorization de publicationtype) attestecertifies qu'ilthat estit is possible deto register l'enregistrerit dansin Grottocenter
# vousyou avezhave choisichosen unea license licenceif siyou vousare êtesthe l'auteurauthor, vousyou choisissezchoose lathe licencelicense retenueretained parby lathe personneperson ouor l'organisationthe quiorganization awhich donnégave l'autorisationthe d'enregistrerauthorization surto register on Grottocenter. Pour lesFor auteursauthors décédédeceased depuisfor plusmore dethan 70 ansyears, lathe licencelicense àto retenirremember estis CC BY. PourFor lesdownloaded fichiersfiles téléchargésyou vouscan pouvezchoose choisirfrom parmithe leslicenses licencesoffered proposées parby [https://ontology.uis-speleo.org/ontology/#licenseType Karstlink]. AttentionPlease note: les licences CC conviennentlicenses pourare lesuitable contenufor soumiscopyrighted au droit d'auteurcontent, lesothers autres au contenufor non-copyrighted soumis au droit d'auteurcontent.
== LesThe organisationsOrganizations ==
Grottocenter vousgives donneyou accèsaccess àto desinformation informationson sura deswide organisationsvariety très variéesof organisations:
* Speleology club or federation
* Club ou fédération de spéléologie
* OrganisationsOrganizations quithat onthave éditéedited desdocuments documentdescribed décrit dansin Grottocenter (l'éditeurthe dudocument documenteditor)
* Group of people who led an expedition
* Groupement de personnes ayant conduit une expédition
* Training or research organization
* Organisme de formation ou de recherche
* Libraries hosting collections of documents related to the underground environment
* Bibliothèques hébergeant des collection de documents liés au milieu souterrain
* OrganismesOrganizations gérantmanaging desKarstic sites Karstiques.
'''In order to simplify access to information and allow easier maintenance, we will avoid creating an organization for a sub-group that does not have contact details separate from the organization to which this sub-group belongs. For example, we will keep the French Speleology Federation organization up to date and we will associate all the documents with it, when they are produced by a commission of the FFS'''
'''Afin de simplifier l'accès aux informations et permettre une maintenance plus aisée, on évitera de créer une organisation pour un sous groupe qui n'a pas de coordonnées distinctes de l'organisation dont fait partie ce sous-groupe. Par exemple on maintiendra a jour l'organisation Fédération Française de Spéléologie et on lui associera tous les documents, quand ils sont produits par une commission de la FFS'''
== LesThe massifs ==
A massif is a geographical unit distinct from administrative units (region, department, municipality). Users are free to build beds according to their needs, they can meet different needs:
Un massif est une unité géographique distincte des unités administratives (région, département, commune). Les utilisateurs sont libres de construire des massifs en fonction de leurs besoins, ils peuvent répondre à différents besoins :
* Define study areas, for speleologists
* Définir des secteurs d'étude, pour les spéléologues
* Define a watershed for work related to the study of water flows
* Définir un bassin versant pour le travail lié à l'étude des écoulements d'eau
* Define a protected area or managed by an organization
* Définir une zone protégée ou gérée par un organisme
== LesThe personnespersons ==
DansIn Grottocenter vousyou allezwill rencontrermeet deuxtwo types de personnesof people:
* LesUsers utilisateurswho quihave ontcreated crééan un compteaccount, quiwho can peuventcontribute contribuerand etwho quican peuventbe êtredeclared déclaréby parother d'autresusers utilisateursas commethe étantauthor auteurof d'una document décritdescribed dansin Grottocenter
* LesAuthors auteurswho quido n'ontnot pashave dean compteaccount suron Grottocenter maisbut quiwho onthave étébeen crééscreated parby una utilisateuruser afinin deorder pouvoirto lesbe déclarerable commeto auteurdeclare d'unthem as the author of a document décritdescribed dansin Grottocenter.
= Access Grottocenter data =
= Accéder aux données de Grottocenter =
== PourFor les personnespersons ==
LesGrottocenter données de Grottocenterdata sontcan accessiblesbe àaccessed l'adresseat [https://grottocenter.org https://grottocenter.org]
EllesThey disposentall touteshave d'unea URL quithat resterawill laremain mêmethe ausame filover du tempstime. CelaThis permetmakes deit créerpossible depuisto d'autrescreate sitespermanent deslinks liensfrom permanentsother sites. ChaqueEach personneperson, organisationorganization, massif, document disposetherefore donchas deits sa propreown URL quiwhich will serabe perennepermanent.
Here are some examples:
En voici quelques exemples :
* Le gouffreThe "Jean Bernard", premièrethe cavitéfirst enregistréecave dansrecorded lain basethe de donnéesdatabase, estis accessible àat the l'URL [https://grottocenter.org/ui/entrances/1 https://grottocenter.org/ui/entrances/1].
* L'The article "Whalemouth Cave trip" parupublished dansin "The Western Caver" estis accessible àat the l'adresseaddress [https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/100000 https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/100000]
* LaThe "British Caving Association" estcan accessiblebe àaccessed l'adresseat [https://grottocenter.org/ui/organizations/675 https://grottocenter.org/ui/organizations/675]
* VousYou pouvezcan égalementalso accéderaccess àdata deson donnéesthe sur le"Vercors plateau" du Vercors icihere [https://grottocenter.org/ui/massifs/1 https://grottocenter.org/ui/massifs/1]
== PourFor les machinescomputers ==
D'autresSites sitesother quethan Grottocenter peuventmay utiliseruse lesthe donnéesdata dontwe nous disposonshave. C'estThis is possible grâcethanks auxto '''APIs''' quiwhich permettentallow deyou chercherto etsearch deand lireread lesdata donnéeswithout sanslogging se connecterin. LesThe opérationsoperations correspondantcorresponding àto desprocessing traitementson surthe ladatabase base de donnée nécessitent d'êtrerequire authentifiéauthentication.
VousYou pouvezcan intégrerembed descalls appelsto à cesthese APIs dansin vosyour propresown applications. L'The URL estis stable, elleit newould seraitonly modifiéebe quechanged s'ilif s’avéraitone unday jourit nécessairebecomes denecessary changerto complètementcompletely dechange modèlethe dansmodel unein nouvellea new version deof Grottocenter. DesElements élémentshave ontbeen étéadded rajoutésto afin de permettre à des serveursallow '''SPARQL''' deservers lesto utiliseruse (Spécificationsthem (Json LD Specifications), dansas lepart cadreof duthe projetproject [https://ontology.uis-speleo.org/ Karstlink]
LaThe documentation estis disponibleavailable icihere [https://grottocenter.org/ui/api https://grottocenter.org/ui/api]
'''GlossaireGlossary''' :
'''API''' eststands l'acronymefor d'"Application Programming Interface". ("InterfaceIt deis Programmationan d'Application"). C'est uneIT solution informatiquethat qui permet à desallows applications deto communiquercommunicate entrewith elleseach etother deand s'échangermutually mutuellement desexchange services ou desor donnéesdata.
'''SPARQL''' eststands l'acronyme defor "Sparql Protocol And RDF Query Language". ilit s'agitis d'una langagequery delanguage requêteand eta unprotocol protocolethat quiallows permet de recherchersearching, d'ajouteradding, demodifying modifieror ou de supprimer des donnéesdeleting RDF (Resource Description Framework) disponiblesdata available àthrough traversthe Internet.

Dernière version du 23 octobre 2022 à 12:36

What is Grottocenter?[modifier]

GrottoCenter is a community database dedicated to speleology and fed by speleologists on the principle of Wiki, that is to say that the content of the site can be modified by all registered users.

It is therefore a source of speleological data, easily accessible, which is waiting for only one thing: that you complete it!

This document explains how to use Grottocenter. It is also a wiki document, so you can contribute to its update and its translation.

Managing my account[modifier]

All operations on his account are accessible from this button which appears at the top right

Create an account[modifier]

Although using Grottocenter does not require registration, creating an account will allow you to have access to all the functionalities and in particular to be able to complete the database with your own data, to add a topography, to correct a cave plug etc. Creating an account is very simple: all you need is a valid email address, a username and a password of your choice.

  • To do this, click on the "LOGIN" icon then on "NO ACCOUNT YET?"
  • In the window that opens enter a user name of your choice, your email address and a password of your choice (red part of the form). You can also add your first and last name if you wish (optional black part of the form).
  • Finish by clicking on "REGISTER".

Recover a password[modifier]

You are already registered but you have so many different passwords (that's great!) or you haven't visited Grottocenter for so long (that's not good at all!) that you forgot your password outmoded ?

  • Click on "IDENTIFY" then on "FORGOT PASSWORD?"
  • In the window that opens, enter your email address (the one associated with your Grottocenter account) then click on "RESET YOUR PASSWORD"
  • You will receive an email with a link allowing you to choose a new password (one more to learn by heart!)

Edit my profile[modifier]

Once connected to Grottocenter with your e-mail address and your password, you will be able to edit your profile to complete or rectify it.

  • Click on the icon
  • In the menu that opens click on "My account".

Navigating under Grottocenter[modifier]

Quick search[modifier]

Are you looking for a cave, a caving club, a document, information on a karstic massif?

At the top left of your page (near a magnifying glass icon) an entry box entitled "Quick search" awaits you.

  • Click on it then enter one or more significant keywords.
  • A drop-down list is then displayed with all the answers obtained, choose the one that suits you by clicking on it.
  • If your keyword is too short you will see the message "No result (enter at least three characters)". In order to circumvent the difficulty, add one or more blank spaces to it and you will then obtain a result. For example if you are looking for the "Bone Cave", type "bone + space"
  • For compound names you will often need to be a little more specific. For example, if you are looking for the "Donkey wood cave" you will have to enter "donkey wood".

What if your search is more complex or more precise or if the quick search does not give you satisfaction?

In this case, switch to "Advanced search" mode.

Advanced search[modifier]

The advanced search menu gives access to a window with one tab per entity. You must select the entity on which you want to search

You can search for entries, organizations, massifs or documents

For each entity, specific fields allow you to refine your search.

The result appears in a table, it is possible to download it in csv format, with a limit of 10000 lines per file

Map mode[modifier]

By clicking on the map menu you will be able to display certain entities registered in Grottocenter on the map. It is possible to hide the menu on the left to view the map, almost, in full screen.

By authorizing Grottocenter to access your location, a point locating you will appear on the map and the map will center on this point.

Currently it is possible to view entries, networks and organizations. For entries and networks they appear as diamonds corresponding to a group (a cluster), until you have zoomed in sufficiently. The precise location is then visible.

Three background maps are available.

Entities managed by Grottocenter[modifier]

The caves[modifier]

The networks[modifier]

The documents[modifier]

Document management is based on the BBS (Speleological Bibliographic Bulletin), an international cooperation supported by the UIS Bibliographic Commission. A specific user manual, to contribute to the BBS on Grottocenter is available

Different information is associated with each document. Let's start by discovering them:

  • The type: this is a way of grouping together documents that have common characteristics. When you want to save a new document you must start by choosing the type, which will then give you access to the information that you will be able to enter for this particular type of document. In Grottocenter we have retained the types defined in Karstlink
  • The name of the document
  • The language of the document. In Grottocenter you can choose from just over 250 languages, which are official languages ​​in at least one country. To simplify input, Grottocenter will suggest the language you use for Grottocenter by default.
  • The summary: it plays an essential role in enabling this document to be found using the search tool. Please write it in the form of sentences containing the key words of the document (name of place, person, cave).
  • The parent document: for Number type documents, it is desirable to indicate the Collection to which it belongs (For example, n° 65 se Spelunca is part of the Spelunca collection). In the same way for an article it is important to indicate the Number from which it is extracted (For example the editorial was in number 65 of Spelunca). These links are essential because the collection page gives access to all the issues and the page of each issue allows you to see the articles from which they come.
  • The file: it is possible to insert a document in Grottocenter without downloading the corresponding file. It will then be described by its metadata. It is possible to download the file corresponding to a document insofar as:
  1. it has one of the allowed extensions
  2. you are the author, the author died more than 70 years ago, a document already registered in Grottocenter (publication authorization type) certifies that it is possible to register it in Grottocenter
  3. you have chosen a license if you are the author, you choose the license retained by the person or the organization which gave the authorization to register on Grottocenter. For authors deceased for more than 70 years, the license to remember is CC BY. For downloaded files you can choose from the licenses offered by Karstlink. Please note: CC licenses are suitable for copyrighted content, others for non-copyrighted content.

The Organizations[modifier]

Grottocenter gives you access to information on a wide variety of organisations:

  • Speleology club or federation
  • Organizations that have edited documents described in Grottocenter (the document editor)
  • Group of people who led an expedition
  • Training or research organization
  • Libraries hosting collections of documents related to the underground environment
  • Organizations managing Karstic sites.

In order to simplify access to information and allow easier maintenance, we will avoid creating an organization for a sub-group that does not have contact details separate from the organization to which this sub-group belongs. For example, we will keep the French Speleology Federation organization up to date and we will associate all the documents with it, when they are produced by a commission of the FFS

The massifs[modifier]

A massif is a geographical unit distinct from administrative units (region, department, municipality). Users are free to build beds according to their needs, they can meet different needs:

  • Define study areas, for speleologists
  • Define a watershed for work related to the study of water flows
  • Define a protected area or managed by an organization

The persons[modifier]

In Grottocenter you will meet two types of people:

  • Users who have created an account, who can contribute and who can be declared by other users as the author of a document described in Grottocenter
  • Authors who do not have an account on Grottocenter but who have been created by a user in order to be able to declare them as the author of a document described in Grottocenter.

Access Grottocenter data[modifier]

For persons[modifier]

Grottocenter data can be accessed at https://grottocenter.org

They all have a URL that will remain the same over time. This makes it possible to create permanent links from other sites. Each person, organization, massif, document therefore has its own URL which will be permanent. Here are some examples:

For computers[modifier]

Sites other than Grottocenter may use the data we have. This is possible thanks to APIs which allow you to search and read data without logging in. The operations corresponding to processing on the database require authentication.

You can embed calls to these APIs in your own applications. The URL is stable, it would only be changed if one day it becomes necessary to completely change the model in a new version of Grottocenter. Elements have been added to allow SPARQL servers to use them (Json LD Specifications), as part of the project [1]

The documentation is available here https://grottocenter.org/ui/api

Glossary :

API stands for "Application Programming Interface". It is an IT solution that allows applications to communicate with each other and mutually exchange services or data.

SPARQL stands for "Sparql Protocol And RDF Query Language". it is a query language and a protocol that allows searching, adding, modifying or deleting RDF (Resource Description Framework) data available through the Internet.