« GrottoCenter:En/List of speleological publications FRANCE » : différence entre les versions

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(318 versions intermédiaires par 4 utilisateurs non affichées)
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{{TitreShown court nutitle|TITRECOURT=GrottoCenter:En/List of speleological publications FRANCE}}
{{Titre court nu|TITRECOURT=List of speleological publications FRANCE / FRANCE / FRANCE}}
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= Introduction =
== Annales de spéléologie ==
{{En/Introduction liste publications BBS}}
= List of publications =
<!-- Utiliser le code ci-après pour créer un nouvelle fiche de publication bilingue (EN/FR) à partir du modèle paramétré "En/BBS publication sheet" ;
à défaut copier/coller une fiche manuelle précédente puis modifiez-la à la main.
{{En/BBS publication sheet
Fin du modèle vierge de fiche bilingue automatique à utiliser -->
{{En/BBS publication sheet
|COLLECTION=1966-2016 -- 50 ans de la première plongée du siphon aval du Rupt-du-Puits
|EDITOR=GERSM (Groupe d'études et de recherches spéléologiques meusien)
|LOCATION= Bar-le-Duc (55)
|FIRST-LAST_ISSUE=2016 (unique issue)
|ISSN=978-2-955029-1-4 (ISBN)
|ABSTRACTS=Christophe Prévot
{{En/BBS publication sheet
|COLLECTION=Actes de la Rencontre d'Octobre
|EDITOR=Spéléo-Club de Paris
== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] Ain Descend (L') ==
:: '''Editor:''' Spéléo-Club de l'Ain (after: Groupe Spéléologique Bourg-en-Bresse)
:: '''Localisation:''' Ain
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(1938). 1(1969) - 14(1985).
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' https://www.omsportbourg.com/speleologie-48/76-groupe-speleogie-de-bourg-en-bresse-revermont.html
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:'''https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/21379
== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] Annales de spéléologie ==
:: '''Editor:''' Centre national de la recherche scientifique, organe du Laboratoire souterrain de Moulis.
:: '''Localisation:'''
Ligne 9 ⟶ 75 :
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:'''
== ARSIP Info ==
== [[File:Oxygen480-actions-document-new.svg|25px|Oxygen480-actions-document-new]] [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] ANAR Bull' ==
:: '''Editor:''' ANAR FFS (Association nationale des anciens responsables de la FFS)
:: '''Localisation:''' Lyon (69)
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1 (1997) - 56 (2024) - ...
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' http://anar.ffs.free.fr/?page=ANAR_Bull
:: '''Scanned:''' PDF available for download
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/21403
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin]] ARSIP Info ==
:: '''Editor:''' Association pour la Recherche Spéléologique Internationale à la Pierre-Saint-Martin
:: '''Localisation:''' Pyrénées-Atlantiques
Ligne 17 ⟶ 94 :
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/21452
== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] ASCO ==
== ASCO ==
:: '''Editor:''' Association Spéléologique de la Côte-d'Or
:: '''Localisation:''' Côte-d'Or
Ligne 26 ⟶ 104 :
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/21455
== Biospeologica ==
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin]] Aven (L') ==
:: '''Editor:''' Spéléo-Club de la Seine
:: '''Localisation:''' Paris
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(1979) - 7(1995).
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' https://www.nantaveyron.fr/speleologie-grotte-aveyron-occitanie.html
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/173209
{{En/BBS publication sheet
|COLLECTION=<small>(BBS 27-38)</small> Baston 84
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin]] La Baume Ecrite ==
:: '''Editor:''' Groupe spéléologique Nantais
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(19619 - 51(1994).
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/21474
== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] Biospeologica ==
:: '''Editor:'''
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' I (1907) à LXXXI (09621962)
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' https://codoc.ffspeleo.fr/index.php3?page=cnds/Biospeologica&largeur=1920
:: '''Scanned:''' PDF available for download (art.)
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin]] Botte (La) ==
:: '''Editor:''' Comité départemental de spéléologie de la Loire (CDS 42)
:: '''Localisation:''' Loire
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(1983) - 23(2004).?
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/21563
== [[File:Oxygen480-actions-games-endturn.svg|25px|the collection has been analyzed]][[File:Oxygen480-actions-document-new.svg|25px|the files are available on Grottocenter]] <span style="color:blue">Bramavenc (Lo)</span> ==
== Bulletin (ARSIP) ==
:: '''Editor:''' Spéléo-Club de l'Aude
:: '''Localisation:''' Aude
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(1980) - 17(2004).
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' http://www.speleoclubdelaude.fr/presse.htm
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/21565
:: <span style="color:blue">'''Abstracts:''' Christophe Bes</span>
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin]] Bulletin (ARSIP) ==
:: '''Editor:''' Association pour la Recherche Spéléologique Internationale à la Pierre-Saint-Martin
:: '''Localisation:''' Pyrénées-Atlantiques
Ligne 42 ⟶ 176 :
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''On Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/149446
== Bulletin de la Ligue Spéléologique Franche-Comté ==
:: '''Editor:''' Association Spéléologique de l'Est + Ligue Spéléologique Franche-Comté
== [[File:Oxygen480-actions-document-new.svg|25px|Oxygen480-actions-document-new]] [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] Bulletin (CDS 30) ==
:: '''Localisation:''' Franche-Comté
:: '''Editor:''' Comité départemental de spéléologie du Gard (CDS 30)
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(1945) - 3.1/2(1954) ; 1(1964) - 18(1985).
:: '''Localisation:''' Gard
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' https://karstexplo.fr/Telechargement-SLP.htm
:: '''ScannedFirst - Latest issue:''' PDF14 available(1970) for- download26(1986).
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/21660
== Bulletin (CDS 30) ==
== [[File:Oxygen480-actions-document-new.svg|25px|Oxygen480-actions-document-new]] [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] Bulletin de la Fédération spéléologique du Gard ==
:: '''Editor:''' Comité départemental de spéléologie du Gard (CDS 30)
:: '''Localisation:''' Gard
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(1961) - 2613(19861970).
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/21636
== Bulletin (Groupe Spéléo d'Aubigny) ==
== [[File:Oxygen480-actions-document-new.svg|25px|Oxygen480-actions-document-new]] [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] Spéléogard ==
:: '''Editor:''' Comité départemental de spéléologie du Gard (CDS 30)
:: '''Localisation:''' Gard
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(2007) - numéro unique
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/224067
== [[File:Oxygen480-actions-document-new.svg|25px|Oxygen480-actions-document-new]] [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] Infogard ==
:: '''Editor:''' Comité départemental de spéléologie du Gard (CDS 30)
:: '''Localisation:''' Gard
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1988 (N°1) et 1991 (N°24)
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/224069
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] Ad Augusta per augusta / Bulletin de liaison du S.C. Touraine ==
:: '''Editor:''' S.C. Touraine
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' http://sct37.free.fr/SCT37V4/Bulletins.html
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/21371
== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] Bulletin d'info et de liaison du C.D.S. 31 ==
:: '''Editor:''' CDS 31
:: '''Localisation:''' Haute Garonne
:: '''First - Latest issue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' https://cds31.net/comite-departemental-speleologie/publications/
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/132777
== [[File:Oxygen480-actions-document-new.svg|25px|Oxygen480-actions-document-new]] [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin]] Bulletin du Comité départemental de spéléologie du Lot ==
:: '''Editor:''' CDS 46
:: '''Localisation:''' LOT
:: '''First - Latest issue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/21589
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] Bulletin du FLT ==
:: '''Editor:''' FLT
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/21662
== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] Spéléos : bulletin du Groupe spéléologique valentinois ==
:: '''Editor:''' Groupe spéléologique valentinois
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' http://speleogsv.free.fr/GSV/SPELEOS.html
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22679
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] Bulletin (Groupe Spéléo d'Aubigny) ==
:: '''Editor:''' Groupe Spéléo d'Aubigny
:: '''Localisation:''' Cher
Ligne 66 ⟶ 276 :
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/21666
== Bulletin (Spéléo-Club des Ardennes) ==
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] [[File:Oxygen480-actions-document-new.svg|25px|the files are available on Grottocenter]] Bulletin du GSBM ==
:: '''Editor:''' GSBM (Gr. Spéléo Bagnols-Marcoule)
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' https://www.gsbm.fr/bulletin-rapport/
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/133511
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] <small>(BBS 27-38)</small> Bulletin de la Société méridionale de spéléologie et de préhistoire ==
:: '''Editor:''' Société méridionale de spéléologie et de préhistoire
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' http://smsp-speleo.blogspot.com/p/bibliotheque-pdf.html
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/21612
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] <small>(BBS 27-38)</small> Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française ==
:: '''Editor:''' Société préhistorique française
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' https://www.prehistoire.org/515_p_46628/bulletin-de-la-spf.html
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/177456
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] Bulletin (Spéléo-Club des Ardennes) ==
:: '''Editor:''' Spéléo-Club des Ardennes
:: '''Localisation:''' Ardennes
Ligne 75 ⟶ 317 :
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/21584
== CDS 13 ==
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] [[File:Oxygen480-actions-document-new.svg|25px|the files are available on Grottocenter]] CDS 06 ==
:: '''Editor:'''
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22168
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] Bulletin du CDS 13 ==
:: '''Editor:''' Comité Départemental de Spéléologie des Bouches-du-Rhône (CDS 13)
:: '''Localisation:''' Bouches-du-Rhône
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(197591979 - 6(1994).
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/21590
== CDS Info ==
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] CDS Info 39 ==
:: '''Editor:''' Comité départemental de spéléologie du Jura (CDS 39)
:: '''Localisation:''' Jura
Ligne 91 ⟶ 347 :
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/21759
== CDS info 25 ==
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] CDS info 25 ==
:: '''Editor:''' Comité Départemental de Spéléologie du Doubs (CDS 25)
:: '''Localisation:''' Doubs
Ligne 98 ⟶ 356 :
:: '''Scanned:''' PDF available for download
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/153477
== Echo des Vulcains ==
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] Compte-rendu annuel de la CREI ==
:: '''Editor:''' FFS
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' https://crei.ffspeleo.fr/Infos/Index.htm
:: '''Scanned:''' PDF available for download
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/132370
== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] Cordelette (la) ==
:: '''Editor:''' FFS
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:''' PDF available for download
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/152437
== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] Dahu Mirror ==
:: '''Editor:''' Abimes
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' http://www.abimes-speleologie.fr/publications.php
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/146262
== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] Descendeur ==
:: '''Editor:''' FFS
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' https://ffspeleo.fr/descendeur-123.html
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/21827.
== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] cahiers de l'EFS (Les) ==
:: '''Editor:''' FFS
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/21695
== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] [[File:Oxygen480-actions-games-endturn.svg|25px|The collection has been analyzed. / La collection a été analysée.]] Club alpin français à Nancy : de la création de la section vosgienne du CAF en 1875 à l'an 2000 (Le) ==
:: '''Editor:''' Club alpin français de Nancy
:: '''Localisation:''' Nancy (54)
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' ouvrage (2001)
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISBN:''' 2-9520552-0-3
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/216297
:: <span style="color:blue">'''Abstracts:''' Christophe Prévot</span>
== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] dossiers d'instruction de l'EFS (Les) ==
:: '''Editor:''' FFS
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/150838
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] Echelle (L') ==
:: '''Editor:''' Spéléo-Club Aubois
:: '''Localisation:''' Aube
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 0(1970) - 20(1999).
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/21840
== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] Echo des cavernes (L') ==
:: '''Editor:''' Spéléo-Club San Claudien
:: '''Localisation:''' Jura
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(1952) - 32/35(1986).
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' https://spelehautjura.com/download/128-les-echos-des-cavernes
:: '''Scanned:''' PDF available for download (part.)
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/21593
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] Echo des stalagmites (L') ==
:: '''Editor:''' Abîme Club niçois
:: '''Localisation:''' Alpes-Maritimes
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(1976) - 13(1993).
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/21845
== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] [[File:Oxygen480-actions-document-new.svg|25px|Oxygen480-actions-document-new]][[File:Oxygen480-actions-games-endturn.svg|25px|Oxygen480-actions-games-endturn]] <span style="color:blue">Echo des ténèbres (L')</span> ==
:: '''Editor:''' Société Spéléologique du Plantaurel
:: '''Localisation:''' Aude
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(1977) - 17(1985).
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/146818
:: <span style="color:blue">'''Abstracts:''' Christophe Bes</span>
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] [[File:Oxygen480-actions-document-new.svg|25px|Oxygen480-actions-document-new]] Echo des Vulcains ==
:: '''Editor:''' Groupe Vulcain
:: '''Localisation:''' Rhône
Ligne 106 ⟶ 478 :
:: '''Scanned:''' PDF available for download
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/21847
== Echo du Sous sol ==
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] [[File:Oxygen480-actions-document-new.svg|25px|Oxygen480-actions-document-new]] Echo du Sous sol ==
:: '''Editor:''' Spéléo-Club de Villeurbanne
:: '''Localisation:''' Rhône
Ligne 114 ⟶ 488 :
:: '''Scanned:''' PDF available for download
:: '''Went digital:''' 2012 -
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/130181
== Grottes de Savoie ==
== [[File:Oxygen480-actions-games-endturn.svg|25px|The collection has been analyzed. / La collection a été analysée.]] Explo ==
:: '''Editor:''' Association Eau Roc Explo (AERE)
:: '''Localisation:''' Meyenheim (68)
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1 (2023) - ...
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/154970
:: <span style="color:blue">'''Abstracts:''' Christophe Prévot</span>
== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] Feuille de Chou : bulletin du Comité Départemental de Spéléologie du Doubs ==
:: '''Editor:''' CDS 25
:: '''Localisation:''' Doubs
:: '''First - Latest issue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:''' PDF available for download
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/21760
== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] Feuille d'info du CESAME ==
:: '''Editor:''' CESAME
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' http://cesame.ardeche.free.fr/?page_id=1527
:: '''Scanned:''' PDF available for download
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/152498
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] Grottes de Savoie ==
:: '''Editor:''' Comité Départemental de Spéléologie Savoie (CDS 73)
:: '''Localisation:''' Savoie
Ligne 123 ⟶ 529 :
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22007
== Grottes et Gouffres ==
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] Grottes et Gouffres ==
:: '''Editor:''' Spéléo-Club de Paris
:: '''Localisation:''' Paris
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(1957) - 163(2011).
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' http://www.speleoclubparis.fr/les-publications-du-scp/
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22010
== GUS Activités / Meandres ==
== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] GUS Activités / Meandres ==
:: '''Editor:''' Groupe Ulysse Spéléo
:: '''Localisation:''' Rhône
Ligne 139 ⟶ 549 :
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22195
== Ikartzaleak ==
== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] Garagalh ==
:: '''Editor:''' Spéléo Club Garagalh
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' http://www.garagalh.fr/bulletins/
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/21951
== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] [[File:Oxygen480-actions-document-new.svg|25px|Oxygen480-actions-document-new]] Gazette des Tritons (La) ==
:: '''Editor:''' Clan des Tritons
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' http://clan.des.tritons.free.fr/blog/
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/21956
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] Hypogées ==
:: '''Editor:''' Ligue spéléologique de Basse Normandie
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22047
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] Ikartzaleak ==
:: '''Editor:''' Comité de secteur spéléologique de la Côte basque
:: '''Localisation:''' Pyrénées-Atlantiques
Ligne 146 ⟶ 588 :
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22051
== <span style="color:blue">INORA - International Newsletter on Rock Art</span> ==
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] Info EFS ==
:: '''Editor:''' FFS
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(1978) - 22(1999).?
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22062
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] Info Plongée ==
:: '''Editor:''' FFS
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22063
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] Info SSF ==
:: '''Editor:''' FFS
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' https://www.speleo-secours.fr/?page_id=1329
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22064
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] Info SSF 69 ==
:: '''Editor:''' CDS 69
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/152904
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] Info CREI ==
:: '''Editor:''' FFS
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' https://crei.ffspeleo.fr/Infos/Index.htm
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/132371
== [[File:Oxygen480-actions-games-endturn.svg|25px|Oxygen480-actions-games-endturn]] [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] <span style="color:blue">INORA - International Newsletter on Rock Art</span> ==
:: '''Editor:''' ICOMOS
:: '''Localisation:'''
Ligne 157 ⟶ 651 :
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/146108
:: <span style="color:blue">'''Abstracts:''' Alain Dole</span>
== Karstologia Mémoires ==
== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] [[File:Oxygen480-actions-games-endturn.svg|25px|The collection has been analyzed. / La collection a été analysée.]] Inventaire karst & cavités anthropiques Ville-sur-Saulx ==
:: '''Editor:''' GERSM (Groupe d'études et de recherches spéléologiques meusien)
:: '''Localisation:''' Bar-le-Duc (55)
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' ouvrage (2022)
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISBN:''' 978-2-9555029-3-8
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/154971
:: <span style="color:blue">'''Abstracts:''' Christophe Prévot</span>
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin]] <span style="color:blue">Karstologia</span> ==
:: '''Editor:''' Association française de karstologie
:: '''Localisation:''' National
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(1986) - 20(2018) -
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22137
== L'Ain Descend (formerly Bulletin) ==
:: <span style="color:blue">'''Abstracts:''' Christophe Gauchon</span>
:: '''Editor:''' Spéléo-Club de l'Ain (after: Groupe Spéléologique Bourg-en-Bresse)
:: '''Localisation:''' Ain
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin]] Karstologia Mémoires ==
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(1938). 1(1969) - 14(1985).
:: '''Editor:''' Association française de karstologie
:: '''Localisation:''' National
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(1986) - 20(2018) -
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/21379146261
== L'Aven ==
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] La lettre du S.C.P. ==
:: '''Editor:''' Spéléo-Club de la Seine
:: '''LocalisationEditor:''' Spéléo Club de Paris
:: '''First - Latest issueLocalisation:''' 1(19619 - 51(1994).
:: '''JournalFirst web- siteLatest or Repositoryissue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' http://www.speleoclubparis.fr/category/club/la-lettre/
:: '''Scanned:''' PDF available
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22171
== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] [[File:Oxygen480-actions-document-new.svg|25px|Oxygen480-actions-document-new]] Lettre d'information de la SFES (Société Française d'Etude des Souterrains) ==
:: '''Editor:''' Société Française d'Etude des Souterrains
:: '''Localisation:''' Europe
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(2001) - 265(2023-).
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' https://www.subterranea.fr/lettre-d-information-%C3%A9lectronique/
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/207057
== L'Echelle ==
:: '''Editor:''' Spéléo-Club Aubois
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] LIGUE INFO ==
:: '''Localisation:''' Aube
:: '''Editor:''' Ligue Spéléologique de Franche-Comté
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 0(1970) - 20(1999).
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:''' PDF available
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22176
== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] [[File:Oxygen480-actions-document-new.svg|25px|the files are available on Grottocenter]] LISPEL-Info ==
:: '''Editor:''' Ligue spéléologique lorraine
:: '''Localisation:''' Tomblaine (54)
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1971 - 2017
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' http://lispel.free.fr/?view=lispelinfo.php
:: '''Scanned:''' PDF available (part. 1992-2017)
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:''' 2104-8703
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/132901
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] Lo Trauc==
:: '''Editor:''' Société aurillacoise de spéléologie
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(1982) - 9(1990) -
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22780
== L'Echo des cavernes ==
:: '''Editor:''' Spéléo-Club San Claudien
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] LSD (Les Spéléos Drômois)==
:: '''Localisation:''' Jura
:: '''Editor:''' Comité départemental de spéléologie de la Drôme (CDS 26)
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(1952) - 32/35(1986).
:: '''Localisation:''' Drôme
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' https://spelehautjura.com/download/128-les-echos-des-cavernes
:: '''ScannedFirst - Latest issue:''' PDF1(1981) available for download- 23(part.2021) -
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' https://www.csr-rhonealpes.fr/cds26/publications/anciens-numeros-lsd/
:: '''Scanned:''' PDF not available
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22155
== L'Echo des stalagmites ==
:: '''Editor:''' Abîme Club niçois
== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] [[File:Oxygen480-actions-document-new.svg|25px|the files are available on Grottocenter]] Lumière Noire ==
:: '''Localisation:''' Alpes-Maritimes
:: '''First - Latest issueEditor:''' 1(1976) - 13(1993).
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:''' PDF available
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22182
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] <small>(BBS 27-38</small>) Mémoires de >Biospeleologie ==
:: '''Editor:''' société de Biospéologie
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22196
== La Botte ==
:: '''Editor:''' Comité départemental de spéléologie de la Loire (CDS 42)
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] Mémoires du Spéléo Club de Paris ==
:: '''Localisation:''' Loire
:: '''First - Latest issueEditor:''' 1(1983)Spéléo Club -de 23(2004).?Paris
:: '''Journal web site or RepositoryLocalisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1 (1975) - 33 (1991)
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' http://www.speleoclubparis.fr/les-publications-du-scp/
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22200
== <span style="color:blue">Le P'tit minou</span> ==
== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] [[File:Oxygen480-actions-games-endturn.svg|25px|The collection has been analyzed. / La collection a été analysée.]] Meuse souterraine ==
:: '''Editor:''' Groupe spéléo-préhistorique vosgien
:: '''Editor:''' GERSM (Groupe d'études et de recherches spéléologiques meusien)
:: '''Localisation:''' Vosges
:: '''First - Latest issueLocalisation:''' 1(1951) Bar-le-Duc 59(197655).
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' ouvrage (2012)
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSNISBN:''' 978-2-7466445-0-2
:: '''on Grottocenter:"''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/154974
==:: <span style="color:blue">Lo'''Abstracts:''' BramavencChristophe Prévot</span> ==
== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] [[File:Oxygen480-actions-games-endturn.svg|25px|The collection has been analyzed. / La collection a été analysée.]] Mussey Val d'Ornain, Spéléologie et préhistoire ==
:: '''Editor:''' Spéléo-Club de l'Aude
:: '''Editor:''' GERSM (Groupe d'études et de recherches spéléologiques meusien)
:: '''Localisation:''' Aude
:: '''First - Latest issueLocalisation:''' 1(1980) Bar-le-Duc 15(199555).
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' ouvrage (2016)
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSNISBN:''' 978-2-9555029-0-7
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/21565154973
:: <span style="color:blue">'''Abstracts:''' Christophe BesPrévot</span>
== LSD ==
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] Nouvelles du MASC (Les) ==
:: '''Editor:''' Comité départemental de spéléologie de la Drôme (CDS 26)
:: '''Localisation:''' Drôme
:: '''First - Latest issueLocalisation:''' 1(1981) - 23(2021) -
:: '''First - Latest issue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:''' PDF not available
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22347
== Pellows (formerly Bulletin) ==
== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] Pellows ==
:: '''Editor:''' Association spéléologique charentaise
:: '''Localisation:''' Charente
Ligne 248 ⟶ 811 :
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22378
== Perigord Explo ==
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] Perigord Explo ==
:: '''Editor:''' Groupe spéléologique scientifique et sportif de Perigord
:: '''Localisation:''' Dordogne
Ligne 256 ⟶ 821 :
:: '''Scanned:''' PDF available for download (part.)
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22381
== Scialet ==
== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] Petit Cabourne (Le) ==
:: '''Editor:''' GS.C. Chatelleraudais (86)
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' http://cds86.free.fr/html/clubs/pages/scc-infos_menu.htm
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/150897
== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] <span style="color:blue">P'tit minou (Le)</span> ==
:: '''Editor:''' Groupe spéléo-préhistorique vosgien
:: '''Localisation:''' Vosges
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(1951) - 59(1976).
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22374
== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] [[File:Oxygen480-actions-document-new.svg|25px|the files are available on Grottocenter]] P'tit Usania (Le) ==
:: '''Editor:''' USAN (Union spéléologique de l'agglomération nancéienne)
:: '''Localisation:''' Nancy (54)
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1 (1998) - 309 (2024) - ...
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' https://usan.ffspeleo.fr/spip/spip.php?rubrique1
:: '''Scanned:''' PDF available for download
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:''' 1292-5950
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/130138
:: <span style="color:blue">'''Abstracts:''' Christophe Prévot</span>
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] Quelque part sous terre ==
:: '''Editor:''' S.C. du Roussillon (66)
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' http://speleo-club-roussillon.org/speleo_club_000012.htm
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22430
== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] Rapports d'activité de l'ABIME Club ==
:: '''Editor:''' ABIME Club (92)
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' http://www.abimes-speleologie.fr/publications.php
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/146263
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] Rapports d'expédition CREI (Commission des relations et expéditions internationales de la FFS) ==
:: '''Editor:''' FFS
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' https://crei.ffspeleo.fr/Expeditions/listeExpes.php
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/152485
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] [[File:Oxygen480-actions-document-new.svg|25px|the files are available on Grottocenter]] Rapports d'expédition et d'exploration du clan des Tritons ==
:: '''Editor:''' clan des Tritons
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/134988
== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] [[File:Oxygen480-actions-games-endturn.svg|25px|The collection has been analyzed. / La collection a été analysée.]] Rupt-du-Puits - Au cœur d'une rivière souterraine ==
:: '''Editor:''' GERSM (Groupe d'études et de recherches spéléologiques meusien)
:: '''Localisation:''' Bar-le-Duc (55)
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' ouvrage (2023)
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISBN:''' 978-2-9555029-4-5
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/207041
:: <span style="color:blue">'''Abstracts:''' Christophe Prévot</span>
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] Scialet ==
:: '''Editor:''' Comité départemental de spéléologie de l'Isère
:: '''Localisation:''' Isère
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(1972) - 4849(20192020) -
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' https://cds38.org/category/lib/scialet/
:: '''Scanned:''' PDF available for download (part.)
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''0336-0326
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22507
== [[File:Oxygen480-actions-document-new.svg|25px|Oxygen480-actions-document-new]] [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] Scories Spécial Biospéologie ==
:: '''Editor:''' CPEPESC
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' numérotation non linéaire ; first : 211 (2001) - last 549 (2024) - ...
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' https://cpepesc.org/6-nature-et-pollutions/13-documentation-et-bulletins/3-bulletin-scories-biospeologie-dans-lest-de-la-france-cpepesc-nationale/accedez-aux-bulletins-scories-special-biospeleologie-publication-de-la-cpepesc-nationle/
:: '''Scanned:''' PDF available for download
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/133508
== SCV Activités ==
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] [[File:Oxygen480-actions-document-new.svg|25px|the files are available on Grottocenter]] SCV Activités ==
:: '''Editor:''' Spéléo-Club de Villeurbanne
:: '''Localisation:''' Rhône
Ligne 272 ⟶ 932 :
:: '''Scanned:''' PDF available for download
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/21797
== Sous le Plancher ==
== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] Sésame ==
:: '''Editor:''' S.C. Epia (31)
:: '''Localisation:''' Haute Garonne
:: '''First - Latest issue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' http://www.sc-epia.com/index.php?Page=publi
:: '''Scanned:''' PDF available for download
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22518
== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] [[File:Oxygen480-actions-document-new.svg|25px|the files are available on Grottocenter]] Sis pieds sous terre ==
:: '''Editor:'''
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:''' PDF available for download
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22529
== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] [[File:Oxygen480-actions-document-new.svg|25px|the files are available on Grottocenter]] SIMM - Spéléo-Info Meurthe-et-Moselle ==
:: '''Editor:''' C.D.S. 54
:: '''Localisation:''' Nancy (54)
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1 (2000) - 33 (2013)
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' http://cds54.ffspeleo.fr/simm/
:: '''Scanned:''' PDF available for download
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:''' 1626-1267
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22526
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] Sous le Plancher ==
:: '''Editor:''' Spéléo-Club de Dijon
:: '''Localisation:''' Côte-d'Or
Ligne 281 ⟶ 973 :
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/133017
== <span style="color:blue">Spélé Aude</span> ==
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] [[File:Oxygen480-actions-document-new.svg|25px|the files are available on Grottocenter]] <span style="color:blue">Spélé Aude</span> ==
:: '''Editor:''' Comité Départemental de Spéléologie de l'Aude (CDS 11)
:: '''Localisation:''' Aude
Ligne 290 ⟶ 983 :
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/129946147250
:: <span style="color:blue">'''Abstracts:''' Christophe Bes</span>
== Sous Terre ==
== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS. / Aucun résumé n'a été effectué dans le BBS "historique".]] Spélé Eau Boue ==
:: '''Editor:''' Association spéléologique de Haute-Marne (ASHM, Saint-Dizier, 52)
:: '''Localisation:''' Haute-Marne
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1 (1969) - 9 (2023) - ...
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:''' 0338-425X
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/154975
:: <span style="color:blue">'''Abstracts:''' Christophe Prévot</span>
== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] Sous Terre ==
:: '''Editor:''' Groupe spéléologique d'Alsace
:: '''Localisation:''' Haut-Rhin
Ligne 300 ⟶ 1 005 :
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/153399
== <span style="color:blue">Spéléalpes</span> ==
:: '''Editor:''' Comité départemental de spéléologie de Haute-Savoie (CDS 74)
Ligne 310 ⟶ 1 017 :
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/141560
:: <span style="color:blue">'''Abstracts:''' Frédéric Urien</span>
== Spéléo 01 ==
== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] Spéléo dans l'Ain ==
:: '''Editor:''' Comité Départemental de Spéléologie de l'Ain (CDS 01)
:: '''Localisation:''' Ain
Ligne 318 ⟶ 1 026 :
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22664
== Spéléo 34 ==
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] Spéléo 34 ==
:: '''Editor:''' Départemental de Spéléologie de l'Hérault (CDS 34)
:: '''Localisation:''' Hérault
Ligne 325 ⟶ 1 035 :
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/153268
== Spéléos (Groupe spéléologique valentinois) ==
:: '''Editor:''' Groupe spéléologique valentinois
== [[File:Oxygen480-actions-document-new.svg|25px|Oxygen480-actions-document-new]] [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin]] <span style="color:blue">SpéléOc</span> ==
:: '''Localisation:''' Drôme
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(1952) - 94(2005).
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
== <span style="color:blue">SpéléOc</span> ==
:: '''Editor:''' Spéléologues du Grand Sud-Ouest
:: '''Localisation:''' Midi-Pyrénées
Ligne 344 ⟶ 1 048 :
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22623
:: <span style="color:blue">'''Abstracts:''' Alain Dole</span>
== Spéléologie ==
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] <small>(BBS 27-38)</small> Spéléo-Dordogne ==
:: '''Editor:''' Spéléo-club de Périgueux
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:''' PDF not available. On sale
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22607
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] Spéléo Drack ==
:: '''Editor:''' CNEK
:: '''Localisation:''' Normandie
:: '''First - Latest issue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22608
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] [[File:Oxygen480-actions-document-new.svg|25px|the files are available on Grottocenter]] Spéléo Ile-de-France ==
:: '''Editor:'''
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:''' PDF available for download (part.)
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/133306
== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] [[File:Oxygen480-actions-document-new.svg|25px|the files are available on Grottocenter]] Spéléo L ==
:: '''Editor:''' Ligue Grand Est de spéléologie (Comité régional de spéléologie d'Alsace-Lorraine ; Ligue spéléologique lorraine)
:: '''Localisation:''' Tomblaine (54)
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1 (1973) - 28 (2023) - ...
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' http://lispel.free.fr/?view=publi.php#speleol
:: '''Scanned:''' PDF available for download (part.)
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:''' 0758-3974
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22596
:: <span style="color:blue">'''Abstracts:''' Christophe Prévot</span>
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] Spéléologie ==
:: '''Editor:''' Club Martel
:: '''Localisation:''' Alpes-Maritimes
Ligne 352 ⟶ 1 098 :
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22659
== Spéléo-Dordogne ==
:: '''Editor:''' Spéléo-Club de Perigueux
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] <small>(BBS 27-38)</small> <span style="color:blue">Spéléologie Dossiers</span> [[File:Oxygen480-actions-document-new.svg|25px|Oxygen480-actions-document-new]] ==
:: '''Localisation:''' Dordogne
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(1959) - 202(2013) -?
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' http://club.quomodo.com/speleoclubperigueux/les-publications-du-s-c-perigueux/
:: '''Scanned:''' PDF not available
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
== <span style="color:blue">Spéléologie Dossiers</span> ==
:: '''Editor:''' Comité départemental spéléologique du Rhône (CDS 69)
:: '''Localisation:''' Rhône
Ligne 370 ⟶ 1 110 :
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22665
:: <span style="color:blue">'''Abstracts:''' Nicole Jonard</span>
== Spéléo MJC Info ==
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin]] <span style="color:blue">Spéléo Mag</span> ==
:: '''Editor:''' Spéléo Mag
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' http://www.speleomag.com/
:: '''Scanned:''' PDF not available. On sale
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22597
:: <span style="color:blue">'''Abstracts:''' Xavier Foucrier</span>
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] Spéléo MJC Info ==
:: '''Editor:''' Spéléo-Club de la Maison des jeunes de Bellegarde
:: '''Localisation:''' Ain
Ligne 379 ⟶ 1 131 :
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:'''https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22598
== Spéléoperations ==
== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] Spéléoperations ==
:: '''Editor:''' Spéléo-Club de Marseille
:: '''Localisation:''' Bouches-du-Rhône
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(1955) - 83(1997).
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' http://speleoclubdemarseille.fr/?page_id=248
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22673
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] Spéléos (Groupe spéléologique valentinois) ==
:: '''Editor:''' Groupe spéléologique valentinois
:: '''Localisation:''' Drôme
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(1952) - 94(2005).
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22679
== Spéléo-Var ==
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] Spéléoscope ==
:: '''Editor:''' FFS (Commission scientifique)
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' https://publications.ffspeleo.fr/revue.php?id=585
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:''' 2102-3751
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22681
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] <small>(BBS 27-38)</small> Spéléo-Var ==
:: '''Editor:''' Spéléo-Club du Var
:: '''Localisation:''' Var
Ligne 395 ⟶ 1 170 :
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22618
== <span style="color:blue">Spelunca (5. serie)</span> ==
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] <span style="color:blue">Spelunca (5. serie)</span> ==
:: '''Editor:''' Fédération française de spéléologie
:: '''Localisation:''' National
Ligne 405 ⟶ 1 182 :
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22695
:: <span style="color:blue">'''Abstracts:''' Christophe Bes</span>
== Spelunca Mémoires ==
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] Spelunca Mémoires ==
:: '''Editor:''' Fédération française de spéléologie
:: '''Localisation:''' National
Ligne 413 ⟶ 1 191 :
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22702
== Tubes ==
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] SSPPO News ==
:: '''Editor:''' Société de spéléologie et de préhistoire des Pyrénées Occidentales
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' N°1 (1984) - n°26 (2004)
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' https://publications.ffspeleo.fr/revue.php?id=451
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/152778
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] Taupinambules ==
:: '''Editor:''' Association Sportive de Villefontaine (ASVF)
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' http://asvfspeleo.free.fr/taupib.php
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22763
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] Trou Shuaiha 83 ==
:: '''Editor:''' CDS 83 Comité départemental de Spéléologie du Var
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22800
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] Tubes ==
:: '''Editor:''' Comité Départemental de Spéléologie de l'Ardèche (CDS 07)
:: '''Localisation:''' Ardèche
Ligne 422 ⟶ 1 231 :
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22804
== Voconcie ==
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] Turbigot (Le)==
:: '''Editor:''' Groupe Clostrophile du Plateau de Montrond
:: '''Localisation:''' Doub
:: '''First - Latest issue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' http://benoit.velten.free.fr/Club/publication.html#
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22805
== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] [[File:Oxygen480-actions-document-new.svg|25px|the files are available on Grottocenter]] Ubuglubu ==
:: '''Editor:'''
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:'''
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/130142
== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] Usania ==
:: '''Editor:''' USAN (Union spéléologique de l'agglomération nancéienne)
:: '''Localisation:''' Nancy (54)
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1 (1998) - 27 (2024) - ...
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' https://usan.ffspeleo.fr/spip/spip.php?rubrique117
:: '''Scanned:''' PDF available for download
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/130139
:: <span style="color:blue">'''Abstracts:''' Christophe Prévot</span>
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] [[File:Oxygen480-actions-document-new.svg|25px|the files are available on Grottocenter]] Voconcie ==
:: '''Editor:''' Spéléo-Club Voconcien (after: CDS 05)
:: '''Localisation:''' Hautes-Alpes
Ligne 431 ⟶ 1 273 :
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22839
== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] [[File:Oxygen480-actions-games-endturn.svg|25px|The collection has been analyzed. / La collection a été analysée.]] "Zoé" une goutte d'eau sous le Perthois ==
:: '''Editor:''' GERSM (Groupe d'études et de recherches spéléologiques meusien)
:: '''Localisation:''' Bar-le-Duc (55)
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' ouvrage (2017)
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISBN:''' 978-2-9555029-2-1
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/154972
:: <span style="color:blue">'''Abstracts:''' Christophe Prévot</span>
5 245
