« GrottoCenter:En/List of speleological publications SWISS » : différence entre les versions

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{{En/BBS publication sheet
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] AGS Info ==
:: '''Editor:''' Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Speläologie Regensdorf
:: '''Localisation:'''
|EDITOR=Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Speläologie Regensdorf
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' (1974) - (2020) -?
|LOCATION=c/o Margrit Hohl, Schützenstrasse 25, CH-8702 Zollikon<br />(redaktion@agsr.ch)
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' http://agsr.ch/themen/ags-info/
|FIRST-LAST_ISSUE=1974 - 2022
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''On Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/21378

{{En/BBS publication sheet
== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] Bulletin de la SAS ==
|ICON=No summary.svg
:: '''Editor:''' Société autonome de spéléologie
|COLLECTION=Bulletin de la SAS
:: '''Localisation:'''
|EDITOR=Société autonome de spéléologie (SAS)
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(1948) - [8](1951).
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
|FIRST-LAST_ISSUE=1 (1948) - 8 (1951).
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''On Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/21637

{{En/BBS publication sheet
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] Bulletin des culs terreux (formerly La stalagmite) ==
:: '''Editor:''' Société Suisse de Spéléologie, Sec. Naye
|COLLECTION=Bulletin des culs terreux (<small>formerly / anciennement</small>: La stalagmite)
:: '''Localisation:'''
|EDITOR=Société Suisse de Spéléologie, section de Naye
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(1968) - 172(1999).
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
|FIRST-LAST_ISSUE=1 (1968) - 172 (Sept. 1999)
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''On Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/21653

{{En/BBS publication sheet
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] Calendrier ==
:: '''Editor:''' Spéléo-Club des Montagnes Neuchâteloises
|COLLECTION=Calendrier du Spéléo Club des Montagnes neuchâteloises
:: '''Localisation:'''
|EDITOR=Spéléo Club des Montagnes neuchâteloises (SCMN)
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' ?? - 352(2010) -?
|LOCATION=École secondaire des Forges, CH-2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds<br />(speleoclubmn@gmail.com https://scmn-ch.webnode.fr/contact/)
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
|FIRST-LAST_ISSUE=?? - 352 (2010)
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''on Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/21703

{{En/BBS publication sheet
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] Cavernes ==
:: '''Editor:''' Société Suisse de Spéléologie, Section de Neuchâtel
:: '''Localisation:'''
|EDITOR=Société Suisse de Spéléologie, section de Neuchâtel
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(1957) - (2021) -
|LOCATION=Neufchâtel (info@cavernes.ch)
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' https://www.cavernes.ch/
|FIRST-LAST_ISSUE=1957-1 - 2022
:: '''Scanned:''' PDF available for download
:: '''Went digital:'''
|SCANNED=PDF available for download
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''On Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/21742

{{En/BBS publication sheet
== [[File:Oxygen480-actions-games-endturn.svg|25px|the collection has been analyzed]] [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] Der Oberländer Höhlenforscher ==
:: '''Editor:''' Höhlenforschung Berner Oberland
|COLLECTION= [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] Der Oberländer Höhlenforscher
:: '''Localisation:'''
|EDITOR=Höhlenforschung Berner Oberland
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(1988) - 1(1993).
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
|FIRST-LAST_ISSUE=1 (1988) - 7 (1993)
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''On Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22359

{{En/BBS publication sheet
== [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] D'Höhleperle ==
:: '''Editor:''' Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Speläologie Liestal
:: '''Localisation:'''
|EDITOR=Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Speläologie Liestal
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(1979) - 1(2005) -
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
|FIRST-LAST_ISSUE=1 (1979) - ? (2005)
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''On Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/21818

== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] Excentrique ==
== [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] Excentrique ==