« GrottoCenter:En/List of speleological publications » : différence entre les versions

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== BRASIL ==
:; [[Fichier:No summary.svg|25px|No summary was made in the "historical" BBS]] '''Title:''' Espeleo tema
:: '''Editor:''' Sociedade Brasileira de Espeleologia
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(1970)-29.2(2019) -
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' https://www.cavernas.org.br/revista-espeleo-tema/
:: '''Scanned:''' PDF available for download
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''On Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/21885

:; [[File:Oxygen480-apps-preferences-plugin.svg|25px|The BBS summaries have been attached to the issues of this collection]] '''Title:''' Anais do CBE
:: '''Editor:''' Sociedade Brasileira de Espeleologia
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' (1977?)-(2019) -
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' https://www.cavernas.org.br/anais-cbe/
:: '''Scanned:''' PDF available for download
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''On Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/155222

:; '''Title:''' Antropoespeleologia
:: '''Editor:''' Sociedade Brasileira de Espeleologia
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(2007)-36(2010) ?
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' https://www.cavernas.org.br/antropoespeleologia/
:: '''Scanned:''' PDF available for download
:: '''Went digital:''' 2007 -
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''On Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/141115

:; '''Title:''' Turismos e paisagens carsticas
:: '''Editor:''' Sociedade Brasileira de Espeleologia
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(2008)- 9.2(2016) -
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' https://www.cavernas.org.br/turismo-e-paisagens-carsticas/
:: '''Scanned:''' PDF available for download
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''On Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/141152

:; '''Title:''' Mundo Subterraneo
:: '''Editor:''' Sociedade Brasileira de Espeleologia
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1.1(abr. 1960) .
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''On Grottocenter:'''

:; '''Title:''' Boletim Informativo SBE
:: '''Editor:''' Sociedade Brasileira de Espeleologia
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(1985)- 94(2011) -
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:''' PDF not available for download
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''On Grottocenter:'''

:; '''Title:''' Boletin informativo Gesmar
:: '''Editor:''' Grupo Estudio Ambientais da Serra do Mar
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1.1(1991?) - 2.5(1992?).
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''On Grottocenter:'''

:; '''Title:''' O cavernoso
:: '''Editor:''' Grupo AGSTER de pesquisas espeleologicas
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(1989) - 6(1990).?
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''On Grottocenter:'''

:; '''Title:''' Cavernae
:: '''Editor:''' Nucleo de atividade espeleologicas
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(1987) - 9(1991).?
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''On Grottocenter:'''

:; '''Title:''' Buraco negro
:: '''Editor:''' Grupo Espeleologico da Geologia
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(1995) - 5.5(1989).?
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''On Grottocenter:'''

:; '''Title:''' Desnivel
:: '''Editor:''' Uniao Paulista de Espeleologia
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1.1.(1995) - 7.13/14 (2011)
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''On Grottocenter:'''

:; '''Title:''' Informativo SPEC
:: '''Editor:''' Sociedade Carioca de pesquisas espeleologicas
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(19..) - 7(1997).?
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''On Grottocenter:'''

:; '''Title:''' Espeleo amazonico
:: '''Editor:''' Grupo Espeleologico Paraense
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(1987) - 5(1988).?
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''On Grottocenter:'''

:; '''Title:''' A gruta
:: '''Editor:''' Espeleo Grupo de Brasília
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1.1(1983?) - 6.9(1992).?
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''On Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/21334

:; '''Title:''' Espeleologia
:: '''Editor:''' Sociedade Excursionista & Espeleologica
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1.1(1969) - 13(2020) -
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' https://see.ufop.br/revista-espeleologia
:: '''Scanned:''' PDF available for download
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''On Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/21887

:; '''Title:''' Espeleologia went DIGITAL
:: '''Editor:''' Sociedade Excursionista & Espeleologica
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(2018) - 2(2019) -
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' https://see.ufop.br/revista-espeleologia
:: '''Scanned:''' PDF available for download
:: '''Went digital:''' 2018 -
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''On Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/21887

:; '''Title:''' O Carste
:: '''Editor:''' Grupo Bambuí de Pesquisas Espeleológicas
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(1989)-25.1(2013).?
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' https://bambuiespeleo.wordpress.com/publicacoes-do-grupo/
:: '''Scanned:''' PDF incomplete for download
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''On Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/133587

:; '''Title:''' Quebra-Corpo
:: '''Editor:''' Grupo Pierre Martin de Espeleologia
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(1990)-10(1998)
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' http://www.bibliotecadigital.gpme.org.br/
:: '''Scanned:''' PDF available for download
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''On Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/22429

:; '''Title:''' Teto Baixo
:: '''Editor:''' Grupo Pierre Martin de Espeleologia
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(2009)- 2(2011)
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' http://www.bibliotecadigital.gpme.org.br/
:: '''Scanned:''' PDF available for download
:: '''Went digital:''' 2009 -
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''On Grottocenter:'''

:; '''Title:''' Espeleotema
:: '''Editor:''' Grupo Espeleológico de Marabá
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1 () - 3 (2007)
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:'''
:: '''Went digital:'''
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''On Grottocenter:'''

:; '''Title:''' Conexão Subterrânea
:: '''Editor:''' Redespeleo Brasil
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(2004) - 111 (2013)
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:'''
:: '''Scanned:''' PDF not available for download
:: '''Went digital:''' 2004 -
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''On Grottocenter:''' https://grottocenter.org/ui/documents/141167

:; '''Title:''' Lajedos
:: '''Editor:''' Espeleonordeste
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(2008) - 7 (2017)
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' http://www.espeleonordeste.org/revista
:: '''Scanned:''' PDF available for download
:: '''Went digital:''' 2008 -
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''On Grottocenter:'''

:; '''Title:''' DolinInforme
:: '''Editor:''' Grupo Universitário de Pesquias Espeleológicas
:: '''Localisation:'''
:: '''First - Latest issue:''' 1(2009) - 60 (2019)
:: '''Journal web site or Repository:''' https://www.gupe.org.br/dolinforme/
:: '''Scanned:''' PDF incomplete for download
:: '''Went digital:''' 2009 -
:: '''ISSN:'''
:: '''On Grottocenter:'''